When major health problems have ruined your finances, bankruptcy protection can be a way to start fresh.
But some people think bankruptcy is a bad word. They think it means you were irresponsible with money. Bankruptcy attorney William Critchlow knows life is much more complicated than that.
He sees people in Oregon considering bankruptcy through no fault of their own because of overwhelming medical bills, wage garnishment, job loss, divorce, and fixed incomes unable to keep up with rising expenses.
At Wells, Manning, Eitenmiller & Taylor, we help people win Social Security Disability benefits to get crucial income when health problems make working impossible. And we help people win Oregon workers’ compensation benefits after injuries at work.
Sometimes bankruptcy is an option when you’re struggling with health and money worries, and William answers your bankruptcy questions and helps you determine your best course.
He says few things give him more satisfaction than helping someone in need, and he’s grateful to do it every day.
With more than 29 years of experience as a lawyer and more than 23 years with bankruptcy cases, it’s his career mission to pay careful attention to your needs and concerns.
Wells, Manning, Eitenmiller & Taylor has offices in Eugene-Springfield, Albany, Roseburg, Coos Bay, Medford and Grants Pass.
Our entire legal team stands ready to help Oregonians dealing with major health and financial struggles move on to better times.
At Wells, Manning, Eitenmiller & Taylor, you’ll work directly with your disability lawyer while you’re applying for benefits or appealing a denial. You won’t get shuffled to different people and have to tell your story again. We provide personal attention from beginning to end.
“William Critchlow is the best lawyer you could ever have. Very friendly and compassionate man who I would recommend to anyone. . . . Thanks, Bill, for being here for us when we needed it most!!”