Do You Want an Easier Way to Apply for Benefits?

    Think about how much easier you could rest if you had some financial assistance.

    Less worry about paying for your next meal. Freedom to focus on your own health and well-being.

    When you can’t work because of health problems, and your financial resources are running low, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits run by Social Security can put you on firmer ground.

    Benefits give you monthly checks to help you keep up with your essential expenses and back pay that helps pay built-up debts.

    But Social Security doesn’t make it easy to apply for SSI.

    The government puts a lot of barriers in your way.

    How do you get around them?

    Talk to an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer. They’ll know how to handle this process, and you won’t pay an attorney fee until you win benefits.

    Wells, Manning, Eitenmiller & Taylor has disability lawyers with more than 60 years of combined experience helping people in Oregon win disability benefits. We have offices in Eugene-Springfield, Albany, Roseburg, Coos Bay, Medford and Grants Pass.

    It’s time to get started putting yourself in a better situation.

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    A woman in a wheelchair types on a laptop and smiles toward the camera.

    Information You Need to Apply for SSI

    When you apply for SSI, you have to gather large amounts of information about your health and your life to persuade Social Security to award you benefits.

    These are the kinds of materials you’ll need:

    • Doctor’s reports
    • Medical test results
    • Medical imaging
    • Hospitalization records
    • Prescription lists
    • Financial information
    • Statements from people who know you

    You don’t have to worry whether you’re submitting everything correctly. You can get a disability lawyer to help you.

    The first step to completing a strong SSI application can be talking with a lawyer for an initial evaluation of your situation.

    If you decide to keep working with your lawyer, you won’t pay an attorney fee until you win your benefits.

    Get My Free Consultation! »
    A woman pushes a woman in a wheelchair in a library.

    What Wells, Manning, Eitenmiller & Taylor Does for Your SSI Application

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) is a large government agency that’s not going to pay any special attention to your claim.

    You’ll get complicated forms to fill out, but Social Security won’t provide much explanation on how to do it.

    In the end, about two-thirds of people who apply for benefits get denied.

    Your entire experience of applying for Supplemental Security Income can be different when you have a disability lawyer. When you’re facing a system that seems cold and impersonal, you’ll get personal attention from someone caring and supportive.

    At Wells, Manning, Eitenmiller & Taylor, you can expect the following:

    • We’ll create a more in-depth picture of your health than Social Security does.
    • Social Security will gather a few records but won’t put special care into your case.
    • We gather more details and documents going further back.
    • You’ll have a guide to the overwhelming forms Social Security sends you.
    • We’re here to answer your questions throughout the process.
    • We help you make sure your application information is correct.
    • We’ll keep track of the important deadlines.
    • You’ll talk directly with a lawyer. We don’t leave all the work to staff members.
    • You’ll have someone to listen to you and understand your needs.

    The disability lawyers at our firm chose this line of work because we love meeting Oregonians, hearing your stories, and seeing how we can help.

    Most of all, we want to see you getting the financial support that can make a difference in your life.

    Contact Us Today! »

    Have a Question about Disability Benefits?

    Your health is bad. You can’t work. Your financial stability is threatened. So your head is swimming with questions. How will you get by? How does Social Security Disability work? We’ve gathered answers. See them here:

    Disability FAQs »
    A woman in a wheelchair sits at a kitchen table slicing vegetables.

    Hear from a Wells, Manning, Eitenmiller & Taylor Client

    “They work hard for people who struggle because of mental and physical abilities. Highly recommend . . . I got the call I was awarded benefits. . . . When he called me I was so happy I was crying. . . . Thank you so much for giving me hope when I lost it. Thank you for fighting so hard.”

    Samantha K. in Google Reviews